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Your Mattress affects your health

4 Ways Your Mattress Is Affecting Your Health

Given that we spend one-third of our lives sleeping (or, at least, trying to do so), it is amazing that most of us don’t really think about what we are sleeping on. Our mattress is a huge part of our everyday lives. As such, a good mattress allows us to enjoy a restful and invigorating sleep, setting us up for a productive and active day.

Call In Home Therapy of Grand Rapids if you have back pain

What Spells Relief for Low Back Pain Patients?

If you’ve ever suffered from a bout of low back pain, then you know that finding relief is often any patient’s main goal. Luckily, patients are beginning to see the benefits of pursuing safe alternatives to medications and surgery. A physical therapy regimen for low back pain is designed to reduce soft tissue pain, improve function and build muscle strength.

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