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Over paying for healthcare?

Some Americans Pay More for Back Pain Relief, But Are They Really Getting Less?

In the case of low back pain, one such under-heralded solution is physical therapy. Physical therapy, yoga and acupuncture are gaining in popularity as equally (or more) effective and less costly than surgical procedures, injections, MRIs and pain relievers—and for good reason. Physical therapists are trained to restore and improve patients’ mobility, reduce soft tissue pain, improve function and build muscle strength. They not only develop custom strategies to treat persistent or recurrent low back pain, but educate patients on the prevention of future issues. Some preventive techniques include adopting and following a regular exercise program and learning to lift correctly by keeping the object close to the body.

Winter workout

Cold Outside? Bring Your Workout Indoors!

Regular exercise is an important component of any healthy lifestyle. But what happens when winter arrives? Just take your workout indoors.

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